
Korean Embassies in Foreign Countries

Korean Embassy in AlgeriaKorean Embassy in 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Chemin doudou mokhtar No.27, Impasse No.3 ben aknoun, 
Alger, Algerie

Tel: (213-2) 693620, 693683, 693693
Fax: (213-2) 691603

Korean Embassy in Argentina
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Av. del Libertador 2395 Cap. Fed. 1425
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel : (54-11) 4802-8062
Fax : (54-11) 4803-6993

Korean Embassy in Austria
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Gregor-Mendel Strasse 25, A-1180
Vienna, Austria

Tel : (43-1) 478-1991/5
Fax : (43-1) 478-1013

Korean Embassy in Australia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
113 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla ACT 2600,

Tel : (61-2) 6270-4100
Fax : (61-2) 6273-4839

Korean Embassy in Bangledesh
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
4 Madani Avenue Baridhara,
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tel : (880-2) 881-2088
Fax : (880-2) 882-3871

Korean Embassy in Belgium
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
haussee de la Hulpe 173-175, 1170 
Brussels, Belgium

Tel : (32-2) 675-5777
Fax : (32-2) 675-5221

Korean Embassy in Brazil
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
SEN-Av. das Nacoes Lote 14, 
Brasilia DF, Brazil

Tel : (55-61) 321-2500
Fax : (55-61) 321-2508 

Korean Embassy in Brunei
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
No.17, Simpang 212-28, Kampong Rimba, Jalan Kampong Rimba, Bandar Seri Begawan BE3119

Tel : (673-2) 426038
Fax : (673-2) 426041

Korean Embassy in Bulgaria
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
World Trade Center, 7A Floor 36 Dagan Tsankov Blvd,
1040 Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel : (359-2) 971-2181
Fax : (359-2) 971-3388

Korean Embassy in Cambodia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
No.64, St. 214 Sangkat Boung Rain Khan Doun Penh, 
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tel : (855-23) 21-1901
Fax : (855-23) 21-1903

Korean Embassy in Canada
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
150 Boteler Street, 
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5A6, Canada

Tel : (1-613) 244-5010
Fax : (1-613) 244-5034

Korean Embassy in Chile
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Av., Alcantara 74, Las Condes, 
Santiago, Chile

Tel : (56-2) 228-4214
Fax : (56-2) 206-2355

Korean Embassy in China
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
No.3, 4th Avenue East San Li Tun, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100600, China

Tel : (86-10) 6532-0290
Fax : (86-10) 6532-0141

Korean Embassy in Columbia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Calle 94 No.9-39, 
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Tel : (571) 616-7200
Fax : (571) 610-0338

Korean Embassy in Costa Rica
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Apartado Postal 838-1007, Oficentro Ejecutivo La Sabana Edificio #2, 3er Piso, Sabana Sur,
San Jose, Costa Rica

Tel : (506) 220-3141
Fax : (506) 220-3168

Korean Embassy inThe Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Slavickova 5, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubenec, 
Czech Republic

Tel : (420-2) 2431-8100
Fax : (420-2) 2432-053

Korean Embassy in Denmark
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Svanem?llevej 104,
2900 Hellerup, Denmark

Tel : (45) 3946-0400
Fax : (45) 3946-0422

Korean Embassy in Ecuador
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Av. Naciones Unidas y Av. Republica de El Salvador EDIF. Citiplaza Piso 8, 
Quito, Ecuador

Tel : (593-2) 970-625
Fax : (593-2) 970-630

Korean Embassy in Egypt
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
3 Bouls Hanna Street, Dokki, 
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt

Tel : (20-2) 761-1234
Fax : (20-2) 761-1238

Korean Embassy in France
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
125 rue de Grenelle, 
75007 Paris, France

Tel : (33-1) 4753-0101
Fax : (33-1) 4753-0041

Korean Embassy in Germany
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Schoeneberger Ufer 89-91, 
10785 Berlin, Germany

Tel : (49-30) 26065-0
Fax : (49-30) 26065-51

Korean Embassy in Greece
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
10th Floor, 124 Kifissias Avenue, 
115 26 Athens, Greece 

Tel : (30-1) 698-4080
Fax : (30-1) 698-4083

Korean Embassy in Hungary
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
1062 Bp Andrassy ut. 109, 
Budapest, Hungary

Tel : (36-1) 351-1179
Fax : (36-1) 351-1182

Korean Embassy in India
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
9, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri Extension, 
New Delhi-110021, India

Tel : (91-11) 688-5412
Fax : (91-11) 688-4840

Korean Embassy in Indonesia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
57, Jalan Gatot Subroto, 
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Tel : (62-21) 520-1915
Fax : (62-21) 525-4159

Korean Embassy in Iran
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
No.18 West Daneshvar St. Shaikhbahaei Ave. Vanak Sq. Tehran, Iran

Tel : (98-21) 805-4900
Fax : (98-21) 805-4899

Korean Embassy in Ireland 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
15 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, 
Dublin 4, Ireland

Tel : (353-1) 660-8800
Fax : (353-1) 660-8716

Korean Embassy in Isreal 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
38 Sderot Chen, 
Tel Aviv 64166, Israel

Tel : (972-3) 696-3244
Fax : (972-3) 696-3243

Korean Embassy in Italy 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Via Barnaba Oriani 30, 
00197 Roma, Italy

Tel : (39-06) 808-8820
Fax : (39-06) 8068-7794

Korean Embassy in Japan
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
1-2-5, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, 
Tokyo, Japan

Tel : (81-3) 3452-7611
Fax : (81-3) 5476-3212

Korean Embassy in Jordan 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
P.O.Box 3060, 
Amman 11181, Jordan

Tel : (962-6) 593-0745
Fax : (962-6) 593-0280

Korean Embassy in Kazakhstan 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2/77, Dzharkentskaya Street, Gorny Gigant, Almaty 480099, Kazakhstan

Tel : (7-3272) 53-2660
Fax : (7-3272) 50-7059

Korean Embassy in Kenya 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
15th Floor, Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel : (254-2) 333581
Fax : (254-2) 217772

Korean Embassy in Kuwait 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Qortuba Block 4, Street 1, Jadda 3, House No.988, Kuwait

Tel : (965) 533-9601
Fax : (965) 531-2459

Korean Embassy in Laos 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Hes 13, Phonesa-ath Village, Saysettha District, P.O.Box 7567, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.

Tel : (856-21) 41-5833
Fax : (856-21) 41-5831

Korean Embassy in Lebanon 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
P.O.Box 40290, 1st Floor, Mohammad Kawas Bldg., Antonins Street, 
Baabda, Lebanon

Tel : (961-5) 922151
Fax : (961-5) 922153

Korean Embassy in Libya 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Abounawas Area Gargaresh St., P.O.Box 4781, 
Tripoli, Libya

Tel : (218-21) 483-1322
Fax : (218-21) 483-1324

Korean Embassy in Malaysia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Lot No.9&11, Jalan Nipah, Off Jalan Ampang 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel : (60-3) 451-2336 
Fax : (60-3) 452-1425

Korean Embassy in Mexico
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Lope de Armendariz No.110, Col. Lomas de Virreyes C.P.11000 Mexico, D.F. 

Tel : (52-5) 202-9866
Fax : (52-5) 540- 7446

Korean Embassy in Mongolia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
No.10, Olympic St. Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Tel : (976-11) 321-548
Fax : (976-11) 311-157

Korean Embassy in Morocco
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
41. Av. Madhi Ben Barka, Souissi, 
Rabat, Morocco

Tel : (212-3) 775-1767
Fax : (212-3) 775-0189

Korean Embassy in Nepal
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Himshail, Red Cross Marg, Tahachal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel. No.(977-1) 27-0172
Fax No.(977-1) 27-2041

Korean Embassy in The Netherlands
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Verlengde Tolweg 8, 2517 JV, 
The Hague, The Netherlands

Tel. No.(31-70) 358-6076
Fax No.(31-70) 350-4712

Korean Embassy in New Zealand
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
11th Floor, ASB Bank Tower, 2 Hunter Street, Wellington, New Zealand

Tel. No.(64-4) 473-9073
 Fax No.(64-4) 472-3865

Korean Embassy in Nigeria 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
lot 934 Idejo Street, Victoria Island, G.P.O.Box 4668 Lagos, Nigeria

Tel. No.(234-1) 261-5353
 Fax No.(234-1) 261-2342

Korean Embassy in Norway
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
nkognitogaten 3, 0244 
Oslo, Norway

Tel. No.(47) 22552018
Fax No.(47) 22561411

Korean Embassy in Oman
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Way No.3023, Bld. No.1921, Shati Al Qurm, 
Muscat, Oman

Tel. No.(968) 691490
Fax No.(968) 691495

Korean Embassy in Pakistan
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
lock 13, Street 29, G-5/4, Diplomatic Enclave ?, Islamabad, Pakistan, 

Tel. No.(92-51) 227-9380
Fax No.(92-51) 227-9391

Korean Embassy in Panama
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Calle 51E, Ricardo Arias, Areabancaria, Campo Alegre, Panama,  Republica de Panama

Tel. No.(507) 264-8203
Fax No.(507) 264-8825

Korean Embassy in Papua New Guinea 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
P.O Box 381, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea

Tel. No.Operator(675) 325-4717
Fax No. (675) 325-9996

Korean Embassy in Paraguay 
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
v. Rep. Argentina Nro.678 e/Pacheco, 
Asuncion, Paraguay

Tel. No.(595-21) 605-606
Fax No.(595-21) 601-376

Korean Embassy in Peru
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Av. Principal No.190, Piso 7, Santa Catalina, La Victoria, Lima-13, Peru

Tel. No.(51-1) 476-0815
Fax No.(51-1) 476-0950

Korean Embassy in  the Philippines
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
0th Floor, The Pacific Star Bldg., Makati Ave., 
Makati City 1226, Philippines

Tel. No.(63-2) 811-6139
Fax No.(63-2) 811-6148

Korean Embassy in Poland
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
I. Krasickiego 25, 02-611, 
Warsaw, Poland

Tel. No.(48-22) 848-3337
Fax No.(48-22) 844-6950

Korean Embassy in Portugal
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
v. Miguel Bombarda 36-7, 
Lisboa 1051-802, Portugal

Tel. No.(351-21) 793-7200
Fax No.(351-21) 797-7176

Korean Embassy in Romania
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Mircea Eliade Blvd. #14, Sector 1, 
Bucharest, Romania

Tel. No.(40-1) 230-7198
Fax No.(40-1) 230-7629

Korean Embassy in Russia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
4 Spiridonovka St., 
Moscow, Russia(Postal Guide No. : 119121)

Tel. No.(7-095) 956-1474
Fax No.(7-095) 956-2434

Korean Embassy in Saudi Arabia
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Diplomatic Quarter, P.O.Box 94399, 
Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia

Tel. No.(966-1) 488-2211 
Fax No.(966-1) 488-1317

Korean Embassy in Singapore
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
101 Thomson Road, #10-03 United Square, 
Singapore 307591

Tel. No.(65) 256-1188
Fax No.(65) 254-3191

Korean Embassy in South Africa
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Greenpark Estates Bldg. #3, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, 
Pretoria, South Africa

Tel. No.(27-12) 460-2508
Fax No.(27-12) 460-1158

Korean Embassy in Spain
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
C/ Gonzalez Amigo 15, 
28033 Madrid, Spain

Tel. No.(34-91) 353-2000
Fax No (34-91) 353-2001

Korean Embassy in Sri-Lanka
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
o.98, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 7, 
Sri Lanka

Tel. No.(94-1) 699036
Fax No.(94-1) 696699

Korean Embassy in Sudan
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
House No.2, Street 1 New Extension, P.O.Box 2414, Khartoum, Sudan

Tel. No.(249-11) 47-1136
Fax No.(249-11) 47-2822

Korean Embassy in Sweden
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Laboratoriegatan 10, 115 27 
Stockholm, Sweden 

Tel. No.(46-8) 660-0330
Fax No.(46-8) 660-2818

Korean Embassy in Switzerland
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Kalcheggweg 38, P.O.Box 28, 
3006 Bern, Switzerland

Tel. No.(41-31) 356-2444
Fax No.(41-31) 356-2450

Korean Embassy in Thailand
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
3 Thiam-Ruammit Road, Ratchadapisek, Huay-Kwang, Bangkok 10320, Thailand

Tel. No.(66-2) 247-7537
Fax No. (66-2) 247-7535

Korean Embassy in Turkey
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Alacam Sok. No.5, Cankaya, 
Ankara, Turkey

Tel. No.(90-312) 468-4822
Fax No.(90-312) 468-2279

Korean Embassy in United Kingdom
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
0 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ, 
United Kingdom

Tel. No.(44-20) 7227-5500
Fax No.(44-20) 7227-5503

Korean Embassy in the USA
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2450 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20008, U.S.A.

Tel. No.(1-202) 939-5600
Fax No.(1-202) 797-0595

Korean Embassy in Venezuela
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
v. Francisco de Miranda, Centro Lido, Torre B, Piso 9, Ofic. 91-92-B, El Rosal, 
Caracas, Venezuela

Tel. No.Operator(58-2) 954-1270
Fax No. (58-2) 954-0619

Korean Embassy in Vietnam
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
4th Fl., Dae Ha Business Center, Kim Ma Street, 
Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel. No.(84-4) 831-5111
Fax No.(84-4) 831-5117

Korean Embassy in Zimbabwe
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
rd Floor, Redbridge, Eastgate Building, 3rd Street/Robert Mugabe Road, P.O.Box 4970, 
Harare, Zimbabwe

Tel. No.(263-4) 756541
Fax No.(263-4) 756554 

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